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Feeling a little cold? Go adjust the temperature or put on a jacket. Feeling peckish? Go cook yourself a meal or order a delivery. Want to achieve that dream body? Get off the couch and go workout. Been eyeing that luxury bag? Save up until you have enough and go get it. Want to get rich? Go start a business or something. Need more time? Oh hold on a second (no pun intended). We cannot dictate time. Time does not pause. Time does not wait for you. Time is always on the move. Not even the richest of the richest can buy a second of it.

As time passes, we tend to look back. We wished we could have done things differently. Or wished we could have done that thing. This is what makes time so precious because what and how we spend our time will matter down the line. Every little thing that you do right now is something that your future self will hold you accountable for. If it brings about positive change, they will thank you. On the other hand, if your actions bring about something negative, your future self will look back with dissapointment and regret. The same goes for actions that bears no value — for me these are mindless activities. This will also result in us regretting the time we have wasted.

So, let’s do our best to make the most of time. For those with big ambitions, take that small step right now and work your way up to success. For those struggling, don’t give up and keep persevering, one day you will get the break you deserve. For those going through hardships, let’s not wait until it’s too late for us to show kindness and compassion to mend what’s broken, to finally seek forgiveness for the ones we have wronged or forgive those that have wronged us.